Monday, July 9, 2012

Watches > Rings (aka Treat Yo'Self)

So this story begins where all good stories begin: a broken heart and to much store credit at a jewelry store.  

And this is how it ends!

The best part of my many months of coping with the effects of a horribly destructive relationship happened just a few weeks ago.  Due to the end of an engagement I found myself with a substantial amount of store credit at a jewelry store.  I had planned on just using this money for another engagement ring when the time came.  But I have been watch-less for way too long.  

My plan then became to buy one obscene watch, maybe a Tag Heuer, or a Breitling.  I found myself in this store during a special Father's Day sale, and if anyone knows me they know I am a sucker for a sale and a salesman.  The salesman convinced me that I didn't want just one watch, but I could get two and then have some diversity.  Oh how right he was!!  

I am now the proud owner of two gorgeous time pieces!  (Yeah, "watch" just doesn't do it justice.)  One is a Swiss Army, which pairs well with a grey suit.  And the other is a Nixon Capital Automatic.  That's just my $700 "around-town" watch.  

Anyway, I hope this doesn't make me sound like too much of a douche, but I thought is was great!

A couple tunes:

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